CyberLens TryHackMe Writeup

Okay, it’s been a while. Last writeup on the blog was Chill Hack… but she (and others) need refreshers. Anyway, here’s CyberLens, a newish TryHackMe room from Tyler Ramsbey who make’s great content, give them a follow/subscribe. PS - I’ve got a video walkthrough if you want. The Challenge First up, the Challenge Description. Welcome to the clandestine world of CyberLens, where shadows dance amidst the digital domain and metadata reveals the secrets that lie concealed within every image....

24/05/2024 · 7 min · 1287 words · Ash
Photo by Sunrise King on Unsplash


How to use winget for Windows 11. What is winget? It’s a package manager for Windows, like choco or apt for debian based linux distros. If that means nothing to you, then it installs and updates apps. Cool? Cool. How to use winget Let’s install syncthing for this example. winget search sync displays a list of matches sync. Name Id Version Match Source -------------------------------------------------------------------- syncthing Syncthing.Syncthing 1.27.0 winget SyncTrayzor SyncTrayzor.SyncTrayzor 1....

20/12/2023 · 1 min · 159 words · Ash