Photo by Todd Cravens on Unsplash


Let’s learn Docker and set it up. So what’s Docker? Well it’s complicated. It’s a way to install, maintain and run applications. But apps are self-contained, hence the term containers. Docker allows networking and lots more. Installing Docker Best way is to follow the docs. Kali Linux If you’re on Kali Linux, don’t follow the official guide. Go to Installing Docker on Kali Linux from instead. sudo apt update sudo apt install -y docker....

24/05/2024 · 1 min · 124 words · Ash

CS50P Problem Set Guide

Hello, world and welcome, this is a breakdown, or guide, to the problem sets (psets) to CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python (CS50P). If you’re unaware, CS50 Python comes from Havard which operates edx CS50. It’s a great introduction to the programming language Python. If you’re brand new to Computer Science (CS) or have a background in technology, CS50 covers the fundamentals really well. It’s one of the best places to learn Python online....

17/07/2022 · 13 min · 2599 words · Mr Ash