Bagels • Beginner Python Project

Want a beginner Python Project that’s going to test you? A program longer than 40 lines of code? Look no further, here’s Bagels! This is from The Big Book of Small Python Projects – Chapter 1 Bagels. Watch the Study Session #2 for the full programming behind the scenes. Disclaimer, some areas of this blog post are still under construction, look for Work In Progress (WIP). Global Variables, Main Function Let’s break Bagels down....

16/10/2021 · 4 min · 787 words · Ash

Hashing Passwords • Python Module Basics

Hashing is the foundation of tech like blockchains that make cryptocurrencies possible. See Blockchain 101 – A Visual Demo and Blockchain 101 – Part 2 – Public / Private Keys and Signing. So for a fun study session, let’s follow a walkthrough on Password Hashing in Python, see the original post by DillonB07. Watch live video: 1. Update Python and Pip Update both pip and Python before starting this program....

16/10/2021 · 1 min · 119 words · Mr Ash

Username Generator Beginner Python Program

Usernames, we all have one, maybe for work or on Twitter. How about a python program that automatically generates a username based on your name? Sound cool? Let’s make a simple project to generate usernames. See the live program below: Disclaimer, this is not a python tutorial, for that, see Intro To Python. Core Code Let’s get the core elements down for the username generator. First, displaying the title via print() and then using two variables with input()....

16/10/2021 · 3 min · 489 words · Mr Ash

Paste Text Only in Word - CTRL + SHIFT + V to Microsoft Word

Are you needing to copy/paste a lot of content from online to Microsoft Word? Yep! It seems small, but Word has the most annoying lack of a shortcut, no CTRL + SHIFT + V – paste text only. Word has the ability to paste text only via right-click, select option. So, let’s quickly add a new shortcut to paste text only in Word. First, go to File > Options > Customize Ribbon > Keyboard shortcuts: Customize…...

13/10/2021 · 1 min · 129 words · Mr Ash

Mad Lib Game • Beginner Python Project

Are you learning Python? Need some beginner Python projects? It’s nice to have you here, this is my Mad Lib Game, an easy beginner Python Project for you! Mad Libs are a simple game, it consists of one player prompts others for a list of words to substitute for blanks in a story before reading aloud. Instead of a human, we’ll have the computer read them back via the terminal, cool....

11/10/2021 · 5 min · 867 words · Mr Ash