Hi friend, Are you stressed? Most people are despite the ease of modern living. What’s something we can do to combat work-life stresses? Disclaimer, you’ve received this newsletter as you’ve subscribed to Mr Note, this month has a shortened newsletter. AFK Away From Keyboard (AFK), coined by PC gamers to quickly chat “I’m getting food, don’t kill me in game” or something similar. I still use AFK today in work meetings....

31/08/2022 · 2 min · 224 words · Ash

Replit EdFest 2022 Jam - Intro To PyScript

ATTENTION! If you’d like to do the course yourself, join up using this link for FREE. And don’t forget to watch the video walkthrough. Welcome to your Intro to PyScript, a simple replit that teaches you the basics of the modern Python web dev technology. You’re going to set up your own simple HTML page with a linked Python program. You’ll enable PyScript, take user data, run it through your program and print it back out to the user....

28/07/2022 · 6 min · 1098 words · Mr Ash

CS50P Problem Set Guide

Hello, world and welcome, this is a breakdown, or guide, to the problem sets (psets) to CS50’s Introduction to Programming with Python (CS50P). If you’re unaware, CS50 Python comes from Havard which operates edx CS50. It’s a great introduction to the programming language Python. If you’re brand new to Computer Science (CS) or have a background in technology, CS50 covers the fundamentals really well. It’s one of the best places to learn Python online....

17/07/2022 · 13 min · 2599 words · Mr Ash

Agent Sudo TryHackMe Walkthrough

Welcome back to another TryHackMe room, the challenge today is Agent Sudo. No spoilers below within the hints, just some good ol’ fashion hints to help you out on your agent sudo journey. For more detail, with some spoilers, see the steps section, and for everything I did, see my notes. If you prefer a video walkthrough, well that’s linked below, and if you want my personal thoughts on the room, check out the reflection via the video....

09/07/2022 · 5 min · 1019 words · Mr Ash

THM SimpleCTF Hints, Writeup and Notes

Welcome back to TryHackMe, this time it’s SimpleCTF… or as I’d call it ‘Not So SimpleCTF’… as I had a few issues getting this CTF to work. Let’s dive into it. Hints How many services are running under port 1000? nmap What is running on the higher port? Check the nmap scan results. What’s the CVE you’re using against the application? CVE-****-**** don’t forget to include CVE- at the beginning. To what kind of vulnerability is the application vulnerable?...

03/07/2022 · 7 min · 1285 words · Ash