2020 Annual Review

I’ve been procrastinating this article. Summarising an entire year feels difficult. But I see the value in looking back. It makes moving forward clearer. Looking forward is hard. The future is a fantasy. No one knows what’s happening tomorrow. But looking back is tangible. I like tangible. So here’s my look back at the past 12 months. Ups, downs and the honesty in-between. This article is self-indulgent. If you want value, this isn’t for you....

28/12/2020 · 6 min · 1175 words · Ash

OneNote to Notion and Moving Apps

If you’re reading this you may very well be a lot like me. Using OneNote for personal notes, jotting down key meeting highlights and organising thoughts and ideas. If that sounds familiar, you’re probably a long time user of OneNote and a happy user. Personally I’ve always enjoyed using it. It’s fast, fluid design and easy navigation make it a great note-taking app. OneNote is good at one thing, notes....

22/05/2020 · 7 min · 1444 words · Ash

2019 Annual Review

What a year! 2019 has been busy to say the least, I’ve learnt a lot of new lessons made even more mistakes! But overall, it’s been a massive year of growth so it’s all been worth it! Let’s review 2019! My Job as an IT Teacher 2019 was full of highlights like being featured in the companies blog, having short piece in a local magazine, being nominated for an educational emerging leader award and having one of our students win TAFE QLD student of the year award....

16/12/2019 · 4 min · 735 words · Ash

Advise n' Review

Hello friend, How has your week been? Reply and let me know what’s happened. My week has been good. More time on holidays creating content and relaxing with friends. I’ve still got two weeks left before going back to work, how cool is that? This covers LinkedIn’s importance, annual reviews and advice from a life coach. Reply to give me your feedback on these topics. 1. Importance of LinkedIn If you’re not on LinkedIn, it’s worth signing up and engaging....

3 min · 518 words · Ash

Align Yourself

Hello friend, How has your week been? I hope this finds you well as it’s been a busy week wrapping up classrooms and assessing student work for me! You may have noticed I’m writing again, yes that’s right, I’m sticking to good habits and moving forward! What is Business Coaching? Dan Sullivan’s Coaching: The #1 Industry For The 21st Century explains what business coaching is. I never understood business coaching, sports coaching makes sense though!...

5 min · 962 words · Ash