Align Yourself

Hello friend, How has your week been? I hope this finds you well as it’s been a busy week wrapping up classrooms and assessing student work for me! You may have noticed I’m writing again, yes that’s right, I’m sticking to good habits and moving forward! What is Business Coaching? Dan Sullivan’s Coaching: The #1 Industry For The 21st Century explains what business coaching is. I never understood business coaching, sports coaching makes sense though!...

5 min · 962 words · Mr Ash


Hi friend, August has been full of reorganising my digital life, ideas and goals. I’ve spent a lot of time writing about my website and where I want to go with everything. Let’s go over some areas. Filling Up Buckets It helps my brain to have broad bucket-like groups I can pool together topics. Hacking, work-life and web design will be the three focus categories for blog posts. I’ve updated my bio: Hacking in public @ mrash....

3 min · 446 words · Mr Ash

Check In

Hi friend, We’ve passed 2022’s halfway point, how about a check-in? Let’s talk about goals, work, courses and current learning path. Disclaimer, this newsletter is from Mr Ash (that’s me), and you’re subscribed or downloaded a freebie. Read online or listen here, enjoy! Checking In, Halfway Point It’s been a good year so far, I completed TryHackMe’s Beginner Path and it spawned me starting up YouTube again. Let’s look at the Key Point Indicators (KPIs) in a bit more detail....

3 min · 505 words · Mr Ash


Hi friend, Welcome back to the monthly newsletter, I hope you’re staying safe wherever you are around the world. How was your May 2022? Mine was slightly uneventful (like last month) and flu ridden due to colder weather. I hope yours was better. Let’s focus on a learning dilemma, an ongoing issue I and many face. How to continue a learning path when things get difficult and stale. Disclaimer, this newsletter is from Mr Ash....

3 min · 454 words · Mr Ash

Epic Outlook

Hello friend, How’s your week been? Mines been mixed, it’s been good back at work but draining. We had 2-3 days of virtual meetings/events. After an hour or so, there’s only so much new info my brain can absorb. It’s been great seeing the team but a bit uncharted as I’m taking on my new teaching position. Still unclear how it’s all going to play out of the next 2-3 weeks....

3 min · 459 words · Mr Ash