Welcome to the blog.

Let’s get you started with Kali Linux.

We’ll download VirtualBox which runs virtual machines (VM).

Then we’ll get Kali Linux, and setup the VM.

Download VirtualBox

Head to VirtualBox.org to download the latest version of VirtualBox.

Get the right version for your operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.).

Download Kali Linux

Next, get Kali Linux itself.

Visit get-kali to find a pre-made VM.

Check the architecture (32-bit or 64-bit).

Choose the one that matches your system (most likely 64-bit these days).

Click on “VirtualBox” under the pre-built VM section.

The file size is ~3GB, so be prepared for a bit of a wait depending on your internet speed.

In the rare case of a virus detection, you can safely ignore it as we’re downloading from a trusted source.

We’ll cover the VirtualBox setup process in the next video. But for now, I hope this gets you started on downloading the necessary files!

Just a heads-up:

The antivirus might flag the Kali Linux download as a Trojan.

This is a false positive since Trojans are part of the tools included in Kali Linux. We trust the source (Kali Linux website) and can safely allow the download.

Setup Kali Linux VM

Check out the video of a walkthrough of the Kali Linux virtual machine in VirtualBox!

Thanks for reading