How was your week? I hope it was the right mix between challenging and fun!

I’d like to share with you someone I found while scrolling through Twitter.

It all started with “I’d like to try something new…”

That was enough to get my attention.

As of writing this letter, it was a couple of weeks ago now. Wow time moves fast.

Share your work in progress

Let me introduce you to Marc, he’s from the Netherlands. He’s a founder of platforms such as WIP (Work In Progress), a community for other makers to share what they’re building.

He enjoys seeing the process of people creating so much that he’s built a thriving online platform around it. Plus a large community of makers are supporting WIP so Marc can reinvest in building what he loves.

He gave a great interview with Hackernoon where he said something that really resonated with me in regards to building his platform, “I also started noticing something interesting about my own productivity: if I would share my work early in the process, it would be much more likely to be successful than when I waited for it to be done.”

It’s so true.

The sooner you share, the better odds you have of success. It adds accountability knowning that others are expecting something from you. Marc knows this and has built a great space on the internet for finding others like him.

I encourage you to see his website and stay connected with him via Twitter or Instagram.

He might even review something from you too!

Video shoots and new opportunities

It’s been a great week, I’ve learnt a lot and I’m looking forward to some new, unexpected opportunities… more on that soon.

This week I’ve been grateful for my family. Specifically my parents as it’s eye opening I’ve learnt about the people closest to me. I encourage you to reach out to your loved ones and really be a listening ear.

Make the people who you love feel loved, it’s incredible how small chats can turn into much needed conversations.

A story from this week is about my new video from Focus Media Film (A***, the owner is a good friend of mine).

It’s been two weeks and we’ve been trying to organise a time to shoot a video for my freelance web design business.

The deal was, I’d do his website and in return he’d shoot and edit a video for me. Sunday rolled around and I knew if we post poned doing the video again, it’d be one of those projects we always put off.

So my wife and I got ready, went over to his place and began shooting. My wife is amazing at video and photo feedback, she knows what looks good when you don’t.

After hours of discussing, trying, shooting, coffee, reshooting, more coffee and editing. A*** had a pretty funky video going, Shar tightened up a few clips and before we could finish A*** had to head to another shoot.

A few days later and now I’ve got the finished video. Your sneak peak for being an awesome friend.

Here’s what I’ve been working on this week…

I finished my new clients website For The Loveee of Flowers. Jess is an amazing florist who enjoys crafting love stories through her flowers, and wow is she good at it! She actually did the flowers for our wedding, she’s amazing!

Talking about sharing things earlier, I shared via Instagram some ideas for writing content. Having people in that early part of the process pushed me to deliver an article withing 24hrs, that’s a first for me! It’s all about how having a website will save you time and ultimately money.


I’ve really been enjoying Instagram lately, through putting out regular stories and snapping some pics I’ve been noticed! A local creative agency who I really respect watched my stories. I reached out to them and not only did they reply, but they’ve booked a meeting with me for next week! Whoo!!

That’s it for me friends, have a great weekend and I’ll talk to you next week.

