Relax Do It

Hello friend, How’s your week been? Professionally, it’s a good one for me. I’ve been back into work by setting up students for their course. Personally, I’ve been slightly neglecting my morning routine and slipping on positive habits. I think getting back into work is draining me more than I was expecting. I need to find a new balance being back in work mode. As always, aligning myself with my 2020 yearly review I’m writing to you....

2 min · 372 words · Ash


Hi friend, Another four weeks have come and gone, it’s mindboggling to see war expand and produce the largest cyberwar in history. With cybercrime on the up globally, it’s hitting here home in Australia, hear how scammers are taking over Instagram accounts. Disclaimer, you’ve received this newsletter as you’re subscribed to Mr (or downloaded a freebie)/ If interested, read last month’s or see all newsletters, thanks for reading. Staying Safe Online Over the past few weeks, two friends of mine had their Instagram accounts taken over by a scammer....

3 min · 502 words · Ash

Staying Creative and Connected

Hello friend, It’s been a while. You’re receiving this because you’re on my email list, if you don’t remember signing up, hi 👋 I’d like to apologise if you subscribed and read ‘weekly’ newsletter, this has hardly been weekly. There are a few area’s I struggle to commit too, writing weekly is one. I’m very committed to changing this. I hope you’ve been well since I last wrote, it feels like a lifetime since we’ve done this....

6 min · 1109 words · Ash

Todo, Writing. Check!

Hello friend, How has your week been? I’ve got a lot to share with you! This week has been massive! Writing short-course, ordering my life todo list and becoming certified from Google! Read on to find out how. 1. Writing Well by Julian Shapiro If you write well, you think well. Stop reading this and go to this guide. If you’re still here, why? Spend your next 3-4 hours reading, taking notes and having your mind blown....

3 min · 608 words · Ash

You Dream'n

Hey friend, Can you believe it’s the end of another month? Four weeks can go so fast! October’s been about goals, dreams, and the power of compounding habits to achieve them. Compound, claimed to be the eighth wonder of the world (it is for investing), but what is it? Put simply, compound is the long term effects of small steps. For example, going to the gym once every couple of days shows little result, but that habit compounded over years returns massive gains....

3 min · 485 words · Ash