Let's Write

Hi friend, I hope your November has been well, question, do you write a lot? Generally, most people write or type daily as it’s fundamental to their job or life. It’s also the basis of how computer programs are made so it’s sort of what the entire tech world is built on. Writing is how we share information, how we teach and provide knowledge. Let’s see how writing independently can improve our lives....

3 min · 454 words · Ash

Looking Inward

Hello friend, How has your week been? Reply amd tell me. My week feels long. Not sure why. It’s been full of family gatherings and time spent with those closest. I hope it’s been the same for you. This issue is focused on looking inward. I’ve found the more we discover ourselves, the better we can contribute to others. 1. Sit Down and Think We get bombarded with notifications. Social media and our devices stop us from being intentional....

3 min · 429 words · Ash

Measuring Success

Hello friend, Can you believe it’s the end of 2020? I hope you’ve had a good week since we last spoke, for me, it’s been really nice as it’s the second week left of work for the year! Woo-hoo! Very excited for the holidays. My wife and I, with a few friends, managed to take a short trip to Rainbow Beach for a few days. If you’re ever in Queensland, make sure to visit the sand dunes called the “Blow Hole”, it’s incredible....

4 min · 685 words · Ash

Oh, Shiny

Hey friend, September’s come and gone! This month’s felt long as term 3 wrapped up, lots has happened and now it’s the last term for 2021. Let’s look over some highlights for the month. Disclaimer, you’re receiving this newsletter as you subscribed to or downloaded from mrash.co. If you’d like to unsubscribe, see below, also, here’s last month’s newsletter. Why I Do… What I Do If you didn’t know, I’m an I....

3 min · 505 words · Ash

Put Yourself Out

Hi friend, Hope you’re safe and well during the last 28(ish) days since I wrote to you. It’s so sad to see countries on the brink of war in the modern era, hoping peace comes soon for everything going on. On a lighter note, let’s discuss ‘putting yourself out there’ - no this isn’t dating advice, but more life/work observations. I’ve found benefits from writing on the internet, sharing lessons and helping others, but it takes effort....

3 min · 481 words · Ash