2022 Annual Review

Welcome to my 4th Annual Review, can you believe 2022 is over? It’s been a long 12 months, yet it’s gone so fast. Here’s my 2022 recap plus my plans for 2023. Note, if interested see 2019, 2020 and 2021. ~ Hi, my name’s Ash, I’m 27 and a cyber security enthusiast sharing my journey. You’ve received this newsletter as you subscribed via my website or downloaded a freebie. ~...

19/01/2023 · 4 min · 797 words · Ash

I Won

We’ve made it to October so let’s recap last month and catch up. Here’s a quick story I wanted to share with you about my first coding competition. Disclaimer, you’ve received this newsletter as you subscribed to Mr Ash .co. Note, the August newsletter wasn’t published via email but is now live. I Won My First Coding Competition It’s early July and I’m scrolling Discord where I find myself on the W3Schools server....

05/10/2022 · 3 min · 474 words · Ash

2021 Annual Review

Here we are again, another year come and gone. Let’s look back at the lessons learned and mistakes made. All up, it’s been a big year, we’ve all been redefining ‘normal’ post-2020. There’s been more division over the concern for safety and I genuinely hope you and your family are safe and well, thanks for reading this. Disclaimer, this is a self-indulgent article and will not be value-focused. Since 2019, I’ve written yearly recaps as an exercise to be more intentional and increase personal growth....

22/01/2022 · 6 min · 1070 words · Ash

2020 Annual Review

I’ve been procrastinating this article. Summarising an entire year feels difficult. But I see the value in looking back. It makes moving forward clearer. Looking forward is hard. The future is a fantasy. No one knows what’s happening tomorrow. But looking back is tangible. I like tangible. So here’s my look back at the past 12 months. Ups, downs and the honesty in-between. This article is self-indulgent. If you want value, this isn’t for you....

28/12/2020 · 6 min · 1175 words · Ash

2019 Annual Review

What a year! 2019 has been busy to say the least, I’ve learnt a lot of new lessons made even more mistakes! But overall, it’s been a massive year of growth so it’s all been worth it! Let’s review 2019! My Job as an IT Teacher 2019 was full of highlights like being featured in the companies blog, having short piece in a local magazine, being nominated for an educational emerging leader award and having one of our students win TAFE QLD student of the year award....

16/12/2019 · 4 min · 735 words · Ash