
Hi, I’m Ash. I’m an IT teacher, learning cybersec, python and hacking. Goals For Focus Making weekly YouTube videos. Publishing monthly newsletters. Publishing regular blog posts. Goal 2-5k YouTube subscribers, 400-500 newsletter friends, and 1-2k monthly views/visitors. Annual Reviews 2023 2022 2021- Some Loves Slow-burn movies e.g. Whiplash, Uncut Gems and Joker. Fine wining/dining like Candian Club and Malibu. Travelling to New York, Singapore, and the Living Room. Timeline 2012-14: Studied 2016-20: Businesses 2018-21: Classroom Teacher 2022-Present: Online Teacher Thanks For Reading ☕ I’ll Buy You A Coffee...

03/12/2023 · 1 min · 172 words · Ash