What a year! 2019 has been busy to say the least, I’ve learnt a lot of new lessons made even more mistakes! But overall, it’s been a massive year of growth so it’s all been worth it! Let’s review 2019!

My Job as an IT Teacher

2019 was full of highlights like being featured in the companies blog, having short piece in a local magazine, being nominated for an educational emerging leader award and having one of our students win TAFE QLD student of the year award. The highs have been high!

This year has been the most ” settled ” I’ve been in my position here, especially compared to year uno. I’m confident with most of the internal processes and policies and feel comfortable in most aspects.

I’ve had a lot of positive feedback as a professional in the educational industry. This has resulted in my imposter syndrome slowly disappearing, which feels great! I’ve never felt more relaxed to call myself a teacher.

There’s been more opportunities to network and get to know peers outside my IT Team. I’m better acquainted with some local teams and due to my nomination for Emerging Leader I was able to meet great people from all over our company!

Now with 2020 on the horizon, I’m looking toward shaping our IDMT course into the best computer science course there is!

Professional Development

This year has been my slow decent back to the basics. As I’m taking teaching more and more seriously, I’m pushing myself to break everything down to its core.

For the last few months my note taking has halted at every line, I challenge myself to capture knowledge better. Use fewer words, describe with more accuracy, convey in simple terms.

I began tackling a computer language called JavaScript. The third coding language of the web technology tree, HTML, CSS & JS. It’s challenged me so much that its taught me I’m missing fundamental theories. I’ve gone back a few steps but I’ll be running in no time.

I have however finally understood Git, GitHub, Emmet, Visual Code, the Terminal and a few other developer side technologies. This year has been a realisation of a lot of things.

I feel very comfortable with my knowledge on general technologies and computer basics. I’ve always had a feeling of comfort but never to this extent.

Next year it’s all about doubling down on the knowledge I have and acting on it. I’ll be building web projects, expanding ideas and making fun stuff!

The Marketing Company

It’s also the second year of our marketing company Eudomia Group. It’s been a big year for us!

Our client base has grown ten fold and the quality/calibre of client we’re attracting has improved. The last client onboarding meeting was an “A-ha” moment of the past 24 months of work coming together, I could see marketing opportunities so clearly.

There’s been a lot of change for he team too. We’ve all moved our internal positions as directors, I’ve moved away from IT to an innovation role. This is in line with what I’ve been doing for the last 6-12 months for the company.

We’re working toward the fourth iteration of our website to again simplify our messaging. We’re in a very comfortable position to market toward other professionals. So our design is very important fourth time around!

2019 was a positive year for us and we’re looking forward to 2020 as our most profitable year yet!

The Blog

This space has been a great sandbox to play around in and experiment. Looking over the last 12 months, the blog looks like it has no clear intention.

There’s some posts about me, my learning journey, some recommendations etc. I’ve been writing and sharing content I enjoy, but it has felt flat. I feel my target audience still isn’t clear, I’m not confident in who I’m attracting and why.

Moving in to 2020 I’m going to update my professional brand and focus on my content creation. All in an effort to market myself while learning more about SEO, analytics, page optimisation.


It’s been a great year and I wouldn’t change anything! I love my job, I’m excited to see where the company lands and how my blog/professional development will grow.

2019 was a big year and I’m excited to see where 2020 will take me. Thanks to everyone along the way who has helped me.